オプションで資産を増やす:初めての人のための投資運用ガイド オプションで資産を増やす:初めての人のための投資運用ガイド オプションで資産を増やす:初めての人のための投資運用ガイド


Options 10 minutes to read


サマリー:  新連載「オプションで資産を増やす」では、オプションのテクニックや戦略を解説し、誰にでもわかりやすくお伝えします。この記事ではオプション取引を紹介し、オプションの売買の基本、オプションで利益を得る方法、リスクについて解説します。





重要事項: この記事で提供される戦略と例は、教育目的のみです。思考プロセスを形作るのに役立つように意図されており、慎重に検討せずに複製または実装しないでください。投資家またはトレーダーは、独自の財務状況、リスク許容度、投資目標を十分に考慮したうえで、取引を検討してください。株式市場への投資にはリスクが伴うため、情報に基づいた意思決定が重要です。






  • 少額の資金で多額の資産をコントロールできる:オプションの素晴らしい点の1つは、株式のごく一部の価格で、大量の株式をコントロールできることです。つまり、より多くの利益を上げながら、より少ない資金をリスクにさらすことができます。
  • 投資の安全網:オプションは、投資の保険としても機能します。近いうちに下落する可能性がある株式を所有している場合、オプションを使用して損失を制限することができます。


  • コールオプション:このタイプのオプションは、一定期間内に特定の価格で株式を購入できるようにします。欲しいガジェットを見て、価格が上がるだろうと思っているようなものです。そのため、少額の料金を支払って、今日の価格で「予約」することができます。
  • プットオプション:プットオプションは、その逆です。特定の価格で株式を売る権利を与えます。たとえば、あなたが持っているガジェットが近いうちに価値が下がるのではないかと心配している場合、プットオプションを利用することで、一定期間、売却価格を固定することができます。


オプションチェーンとは、特定の資産に対して取引可能なすべてのオプションメニューです。異なる権利行使価格、満期日、ビッド価格、アスク価格が表示されます。SaxoTrader Goプラットフォームでは、下記のスクリーンショットのように表示されます(SaxoInvestorおよびSaxoTrader Proプラットフォームも同様にオプションチェーンを表示していますが、若干の違いがある場合がありますが、原則は同じです)。取引チケットを開くには、ビッド価格またはアスク価格をクリックします。ビッド価格をクリックすると購入でき、アスク価格をクリックすると売却できます。


  1. この例では、ウォッチリストを使用して株にナビゲートしています。この場合は、European Stocksを使用しました。(注)サクソバンク証券では欧州株式オプションを提供しておりません。
  2. 次に、LMVHをクリックしました。これは、価格が他のすべての株よりも名目上高いという事実だけに基づいて例として使用しました。私もSaxoも、その特定の株について特定の見解はありません。これは、教育目的で使用されているだけです!
  3. オプションチェーンは、ウィンドウの右上部分でクリックすると表示されます。正常に動作している場合は、そのすぐ下にティッカーシンボル(この場合はMC:xpar)が表示され、その株のオプションチェーンが表示されていることを示します。
  4. オプションチェーンの右側には、すべての有効な満期日が表示されます。株によっては、オプションの人気によって、少数または多数の満期日があります。人気のある株は、月間オプションに加えて、毎週のオプションも提供し、各週の満期日を示します。人気が低い株は、満期日が少なく、一部は四半期ごとの満期日のみ表示されます。
  5. 満期日をクリックすると、この例では2024年12月の満期日をクリックすると、利用可能な権利行使価格のリストが表示されます。
  6. 満期日の表示数と同様に、表示される権利行使価格数(多いか少ないか)は、満期までの時間によって異なります。満期に近いオプションは通常、より多くの権利行使価格を持ちます。また、週ごとの満期か月ごとの満期かによって、利用可能な権利行使価格数に違いがある場合があります。
  7. オプションチェーンの左側には、コールが表示されます。この記事では、オプションの購入について取り上げているので、オプションを購入したい場合は、緑の四角で示されている「ASK」価格をクリックする必要があります。
  8. 同様に、オプションチェーンの右側には、プットが表示されます。同様に、プットオプションを購入したい場合は、緑の四角で示されているプットの「ASK」価格をクリックする必要があります。




上の例で、500の権利行使価格でコールオプションを購入するとします。そのオプションの価格は、アスク価格である€283.48です。 LVMHの価格が2024年12月20日(この例では)に例として€900になった場合、オプションを行使できます:

  • 私たちは、500(権利行使価格)で株式を購入する権利があります。
  • その後、すぐに€900(架空の価格で、満期時)で株式を売却できます。
  • これは、€400(€900 - 500の権利行使価格)の利益につながります。
  • ただし、その権利に対して€283.48を支払ったので、それを差し引く必要があります: €400(粗利益)- €283.48 = €116.52の純利益(手数料とコミッションは除く)。
  • 利回りは(利益/投資金額*100): 116.52/283.48*100 = 41.10%


これは、€400/株(€900 - 500の権利行使価格)の利益につながります。 ただし、その権利に対して€283.48を支払ったので、それを差し引く必要があります。 €400(粗利益)- €283.48 = €116.52の純利益(手数料とコミッションは除く)。
  • 株式を€757.40で購入する(スクリーンショットに記載されている株式の最終取引価格)
  • 株式を€900.00で売却する
  • 利益:(利益/投資100):(900-757.40)/757.40100 = 18.83%






$2.40でオプションの価格を見ると、それが合計コストだと思ってしまうかもしれません。ただし、その価格は1オプションの価格であり、ほとんどのオプション契約は100株をカバーしています。したがって、実際にそのオプションを購入するには、$2.40 x 100 = $240を支払う必要があります。オプションのコストと潜在的なリターンを検討するときは、常にこのことを考慮してください。スクリーンショットに示されているように、これは、500の権利行使価格のコールオプションを購入する場合、100株の契約に1つ必要になることを意味します。 €283.45 * 100 = €28,345-(手数料とコミッションは除く)。







オプションの世界では、利益が出る可能性がどれくらいあるか、ということがよく話題になります。これは、これまでに説明した他のすべての要因とともに、オプションを選択するときに考慮する必要があるものです。 「利益を上げる可能性」は、POP(Probability of Profit)とも呼ばれます。POPは「利益の確率」を意味し、オプションが満期日に利益を上げられる(利益=1セント以上の利益)(理論上)の確率を指します。このトピックの詳細については、「デルタの理解」に関する私の記事(こちらこちら)をご覧ください。




これらのフレーズは、株価がオプションの権利行使価格(オプションを利用した場合に株を売買で きる価格)に対してどの程度の位置にあるかを説明するのに役立ちます。「イン・ザ・マネー」とは、オプションを今すぐ利益を出して使用できることを意味します。コールオプションの場合、株価は権利行使価格より上にあります。プットオプションの場合、下にあります。 「アット・ザ・マネー」は、株価と権利行使価格が同じであることを意味します。最後に、「アウト・オブ・ザ・マネー」とは、今すぐオプションを使用すると利益を上げられないことを意味します。コールオプションの場合は株価が権利行使価格を下回り、プットオプションの場合は上回ります。これらの用語は、オプションの現在の価値と利益の可能性をすばやく判断するのに役立ちます。



オプションは複雑で、リスクの高い商品です。知識、投資経験、多くの場合、高いリスク許容度が必要です。オプションに投資する前に、その操作とリスクについて十分に理解することをお勧めします。 詳細は、サクソバンク証券の「外国株式オプション取引に係る説明書等 」をご確認ください。

From zero to hero: buying options


You've been navigating the investment waters, putting your money into stocks, ETFs, and other assets through Saxo. You've seen gains, maybe some losses, but overall, you're thinking there must be a way to optimize this. You've probably heard of options trading—a term often thrown around in financial circles—but haven't really taken the plunge to understand what it's all about.
If this sounds like you, you're in the right place. This mini-guide is designed to give you a straightforward introduction to options. We'll cover what you need to know to get started, the basics of buying and selling options, and important factors you'll want to consider. So, let's embark on this journey to potentially diversify your investment strategies and open up new avenues for profit.
Important note: the strategies and examples provided in this article are purely for educational purposes. They are intended to assist in shaping your thought process and should not be replicated or implemented without careful consideration. Every investor or trader must conduct their own due diligence and take into account their unique financial situation, risk tolerance, and investment objectives before making any decisions. Remember, investing in the stock market carries risk, and it's crucial to make informed decisions.

Basics of buying options


What is an option?

In the financial world, an option is a contract that gives you the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset—like a stock—at a predetermined price within a specific timeframe. Think of it like this: It's similar to making a small down payment to reserve the right to buy a house at today's price, with the decision to buy or not to buy needed by a certain date.

Why buy options?

  • More with Less: One of the great things about options is that you can control a large amount of stock for a fraction of the cost. This means you can potentially earn more while risking less of your hard-earned money.
  • Safety Net: Options can also act like an insurance policy for your investments. If you own a stock that you think might go down soon, you can use options to help limit your losses.

Types of options: call and put

  • Call Option: This type of option lets you buy a stock at a fixed price within a certain time. It's like seeing a gadget you want but thinking the price will go up, so you 'reserve' it at today's price for a small fee.
  • Put Option: A put option is the opposite. It gives you the right to sell a stock at a predetermined price. Imagine you own a gadget that you think might lose value soon; a put option lets you lock in a selling price for a certain period.

Navigating the option chain

An option chain is essentially a menu of all available options for a given asset. It shows different strike prices and expiration dates, along with the bid and ask prices for each. On our SaxoTrader Go platform, you'll find it displayed like in the screenshot below (our SaxoInvestor and SaxoTrader Pro platforms show the options chains in a similar fashion and although there might be some differences, the principles remain the same). To open a trade ticket, simply click on the bid or ask price—click on the ask price if you're looking to buy.

Some extra info with the numbered bullets in the screenshot:

  1. In this example I'm navigating to a stock using a watchlist, in this case I took the European Stocks
  2. Next I clicked on f.e. LMVH. I used this as an example solely on the fact that the price is nominally higher than all the other stocks. I, nor Saxo, have a specific view on that stock, it's just being used as an educational example!
  3. Option Chain is showed when you click on it in the right upper part of the window. If all's well you should see the ticker symbol (in this case MC:xpar) just below it, indicating you see the option chain for that stock
  4. At the right hand side of the option chain you'll see all available expiry-dates. Some stocks will have few, others will have many depending on the popularity of the options for that stock. Popular stocks will have, besides monthly options, also weekly options, showing expirations for each week. Less popular stocks can have less expirations, some even only show quarterly expiries.
  5. When you click on an expiry, in this example I clicked on the december 2024 expiry, the list with available strikes becomes visible.
  6. Equal as with the number of expiries being showed, the number of strikes showed (more or less) depends on the time left till expiry. Options which are closer to the expiry will usually have more strikes. There might also be a difference in the number of strikes available depending whether it's a weekly or a monthly expiration.
  7. On the left hand side of the option chain, the calls are displayed. In this article we cover buying options, so if we'd want to buy an option, we'd have to click on the "ask" prices, showed in the green rectangle
  8. Similarly, on the right hand side of the option chain, the puts are showed. Again, if we'd like to buy a put option, we'd have to click on the "ask" prices for the puts, again showed in that green rectangle

How to make money with buying options


The traditional way: using the option

When you buy an option, you can choose to actually use it. For example, if you bought a call option and the stock price goes up, you can use your option to buy the stock at the lower price you locked in. This is called "exercising" the option. Some people do this, especially if they want to own the stock for the long term.
Let's consider the example above where we would buy a call option with a strike price of 500. For that option we would pay the ask price, €283.48. If, at expiration (20 december 2024 in this example) the price of LVMH would be f.e. €900,-, we could exercise our option:
  • We have the right to buy our stock at 500 (the strike)
  • We could then immediately sell our stock for €900 (the imaginary price at expiration)
    Note: we are not obliged to sell our stock after we exercised our option. If you think the stock will continue to rise, it might even be a good idea to just keep the stock you just bought at €500,-.
  • This would result in a profit of €400 per share (€900 - 500 strike)
  • However, we did pay €283.48 for that right, so we have to deduct that too: €400 (gross profit) - €283.48 = €116.52 net profit (excluding fees and commissions)
  • Our yield would be: (profit/investment*100): 116.52/283.48*100 = 41.10%

If we compare that with just buying and selling the stock:

  • Buy the stock at 757.40 (last traded price of the stock mentioned in the screenshot)
  • Sell the stock at 900.00
  • Yield: (profit/investment*100): (900-757.40)/757.40*100 = 18.83%

The trader's way: buying low and selling high

Most people, however, don't end up using their options. Instead, they buy and sell the options themselves to make a profit. If you buy a call option and the stock price goes up, the option's price will likely go up too. You can sell the option for a higher price than you paid, making a profit without ever buying the actual stock (avoiding fees and commissions related to the buying of the stock). Similarly if you buy a put option, when the price of the stock goes down, the option's price will go up (NOT down), enabling you to make a profit on a declining stock price. Buy a put could be seen as an alternative of shorting stock, which is in many countries in the EU not allowed.

Cost and risk

When you buy an option, you pay an upfront cost called the "premium." This is your risk; you can't lose more than this amount. In the screenshot showed earlier, the premium you pay corresponds to the ask-price (fees and commissions not included) On the flip side, your potential to make money can be much greater, especially if the stock moves in the direction you're hoping for.

Understanding option prices (why are the numbers often so small)

When you see an option priced at $2.40, it's easy to think that's the total cost. However, that price is actually the price of 1 option for 1 share, and most option contracts cover 100 shares. So, in reality, buying that option would cost you $2.40 x 100 = $240. Always keep this in mind when considering the cost and potential returns of an option. In the screenshot showed earlier, this means that if you would want to buy f.e. the 500 strike call option, where the ask price is 283.48, you would need to pay for 100 shares in one contract: €283.45 * 100 = €28,345- (not including fees and commissions)

When do you break even?

The breakeven point is when the stock price is at a level where you neither make money nor lose money from your option. It's important to know this point so you can make informed decisions about whether to hold or sell your option. In the example/screenshot above, if you would have bought the call option at 283.48 (the ask price displayed for the 500 strike), your option would break even if the price of the underlying stock (LMVH) would go above the strike price (€500) plus the price you payed for the option (€283.48). So once the price would reach and exceed €783.45, you would make money if you were to exercise the option.

Extra things to know

Price changes over time

The value of an option doesn't stay the same. As time goes by, the price you can sell it for may go up or down based on a number of factors, such as changes in the stock price and how much time is left before the option expires. If you buy options it's therefor quite often a good habit to buy your options with a far enough expiry date, so the stock has enough time to reach your intended price.

Odds of making money

In the world of options, people often talk about your "odds of making money," or how likely it is that you'll make a profit. This is something you'll want to consider when choosing an option, along with all the other factors we've discussed. The "odds of making money", often referred to as the "POP". POP stands for "Probability of Profit" and refers to the (theoretical) probability of your option being profitable at expiration date (profitable = 1 cent or more profit). More on this topic can be found in my articles about "Understanding Delta" (here and here)

Time until the option expires

Every option has an expiration date, and as that date gets closer, the price of the option can change more quickly. This is why knowing how much time is left can help you make better decisions about whether to hold or sell. The closer you get to expiration the faster the value of your option will deteriorate. Which is absolutely normal, since at expiration, your option will have no more value if it's out of the money. If your option is in the money, the price of that option will match the "intrinsic" value of your option.

In the money, at the money, out the money: what do they mean?

These phrases help describe where the stock price is in relation to the option's strike price—the price at which you can buy or sell the stock if you use the option. "In the Money" means the option can be used profitably right now. For a call option, the stock price is above the strike price; for a put option, it's below. "At the Money" means the stock price and the strike price are the same. Finally, "Out of the Money" means using the option right now wouldn't be profitable; the stock price is lower than the strike price for a call and higher for a put. These terms give you a quick way to gauge an option's current value and potential for profit.


Options can seem complicated, but they offer another way to potentially make money in the stock market. By understanding the basics, how to make a profit, and what to consider in terms of cost and timing, you'll be well-equipped to add options to your investment toolbox. So why not take that next step and explore what options can do for you?

Options are complex, high-risk products and require knowledge, investment experience and, in many applications, high risk acceptance. We recommend that before you invest in options, you inform yourself well about the operation and risks. In Saxo Bank's Terms of Use you will find more information on this in the Important Information Options, Futures, Margin and Deficit Procedure. You can also consult the Essential Information Document of the option you want to invest in on Saxo Bank's website.




■当社でのお取引にかかるリスクやコスト等については、 こちらも必ずご確認ください。

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