Transaction fees
US stocks from USD 2
US stock options from USD 2
SG stocks from SGD 5
Real-time market data
No custody fee1
Looking to open an individual account?
Earn up to 4.06%* on your account while waiting for the right investment opportunity. No lock-in period.
Transfer funds between your accounts with no transfer fees, almost instantly.
No minimum number of trades required. Place a trade only when you’re ready.
Note: A certified true copy by either a CPA, practising lawyer or Notary Public is required for all documents under point 1 - 4. The certification and date of certification must be shown on the documents.
For full checklist of requirements please click here.
To be eligible for a corporate account, you must:
We provide over 71,000 instruments, across multiple asset classes.
It normally takes one week to approve a corporate account, assuming we are provided with clear copies of the required documents.
When you open a corporate account, you will receive 24/5 technical and account support.
For more information, please visit our support centre.