Trade with Saxo on TradingView

Get the best of both worlds – TradingView charts, analysis and trading tools as well as Saxo’s real-time data, execution and market-leading prices.

Access TradingView’s powerful charting tools with Saxo

Crowdsource trading ideas from an engaged expert community on TradingView and trade directly on your account with Saxo.

Discuss investment ideas with millions of traders from all over the world on the most active social network for traders.

Identify and analyse patterns on easy-to-read and fully customisable charts.

Outsource technical analysis to 100+ prebuilt indicators and other tools.

Trade at ultra-competitive prices

On TradingView you can trade FX, CFDs and Stocks and Crypto FX. Click on the relevant icon below to see full pricing information and trading conditions.

Software licence price
We don’t charge to connect to third-party platforms. You can see the TradingView pricing structure here

TradingView integration overview


Several available

Operation System

Web app, runs on any up-to-date browser


Basic version free to use

Market Data

Supports Saxo real-time feeds


Active traders & strategy developers



How to get started with TradingView

Sign up with Saxo

Submit your application in just five minutes.

Fund your account

Log in to a Saxo platform to add funds quickly and securely via debit card or bank transfer.

Connect to TradingView

Select Saxo as your broker and log in with your Saxo credentials.


Connecting to Saxo is free, and you trade against the same conditions as on our own platforms. Navigate to the “Broker Panel” in the TradingView chart, select Saxo, and log in with your credentials. Read more here

You can trade the most popular names on New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, Hong Kong Exchanges, London Stock Exchange, NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen, Singapore Exchanges, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Deutsche Börse (XETRA), AMEX and ARCA – both as stock and CFD.

Yes. With Saxo, you use a single account for all our supported platforms. Your login will work on TradingView and all Saxo platforms.

Using the integration is free for Saxo clients. TradingView offers a free basic account, which includes access to Saxo connectivity.

Why trade with Saxo?

  • Competitive prices
    Enjoy industry-leading spreads and commissions across multiple asset classes, and access lower prices the more you trade.
    Learn more
  • Expert service
    Get help around the clock from Saxo’s easy-to-use digital support centre. Exclusive, personal service is available for active traders.
    Learn more
  • Trusted for 30 years
    Saxo Bank is fully regulated and licensed, serving 1,200,000 clients globally.
    Learn more

    Discover more options

    01 / 02

    • OpenAPI for Excel

      View and manage your portfolio directly in Excel. Design and execute complex bulk automated orders. 

      Available instruments:
      All Saxo products

      Learn more
    • MultiCharts

      Refine your strategy with advanced market analysis tools, extensive backtesting and chart trading.

      Available instruments:
      FX, CFDs, Stock, Futures and Bonds

      Learn more

    Ready to get started?

    Opening an account takes around 5 minutes

    Saxo Bank (Schweiz) AG
    The Circle 38

    Contact Saxo

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    All trading carries risk. Losses can exceed deposits on margin products. You should consider whether you understand how our products work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. To help you understand the risks involved we have put together a general Risk Warning series of Key Information Documents (KIDs) highlighting the risks and rewards related to each product. The KIDs can be accessed within the trading platform. Please note that the full prospectus can be obtained free of charge from Saxo Bank (Switzerland) Ltd. or the issuer.

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