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Assuming buying 50 US / UK shares with ticket size 5,000 GBP

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ExchangeHLIGAJ Bell


(min. GBP 3)
GBP 11.95GBP 8GBP 5


0.015 USD per share
(min. USD 1)
GBP 11.95GBP 10GBP 5
FX conversion chargesGBP 12.5
GBP 50
GBP 25
GBP 37.5

Comparable pricing of respective brokers was collected as of 15/5/2024 at 08:00AM

Why price matters

Keeping costs at a minimum is important to any investor. With our new prices, more of your money stays right where it belongs - with you.

By keeping our fees transparent, we help you stay in control of your costs, every step of your investing journey.


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It’s quick and easy to open a Saxo account. Just fill in our application form and submit your documentation. Learn more about opening an account here. To open a Saxo account now, click here
You can transfer your existing stock portfolio to Saxo after you have opened your account. Log in to the platform, go to the ‘Account’ section, select ‘Deposits and Transfers’ and then ‘Portfolio Transfer’.

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