Enhance your returns with lower total costs

When you invest, it's the total cost that matters. See how our prices and fees compare to other brokers.

How we compare

It is the total cost that counts when you invest. Compared with other brokers, see how much you can save when you invest in these popular stocks with Saxo.

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MoomooCMC InvestPOEMSDBS Vickers
Commission (USD)1.4104.003.8819.62
Platform fee (USD)00.99000
FX conversion cost (USD)4.426.3510.615.3713.45
Total cost of trade (USD)5.837.3414.619.2533.07
Total cost of trade (SGD)7.879.9019.7112.4944.63
Additional cost in %-+26%+150%+59%+467%

In this example, you can see how our prices and fees compare to others when you invest in 10 Telsa shares at USD 176.75/share as of 29 May 2024.*

*Comparable cost of respective brokers as of 29 May 2024 (excluding promotions and referring only to entry-level account types). Where conversion cost is not expressly indicated by the respective brokers, we have taken it to be the difference between the respective brokers’ FX mid-spot and bid/ask rate.

Founded in 2003 and based in Palo Alto, California, Tesla is a vertically integrated sustainable energy company. Most well known for the production of electric vehicles (EVs), Tesla also sells solar panels and roofs for energy generation and batteries for residential and commercial properties.

Why choose Saxo?

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    Access to global markets

    Saxo offers access to more than 71,000 financial instruments, to help you strengthen your portfolio.

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    Industry-leading platforms

    Enjoy regulated and reliable trades on our innovative platforms.

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    Free live market data

    Get access to free Level 1 market data for US and European stocks on your Saxo account.

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    Founded on trust

    We believe that trust and transparency will give our clients the confidence to be adventurous and curious.

A user-friendly, mobile investment platform

SaxoInvestor provides everything you need to invest quickly and securely in one place.

Frequently asked questions

It’s quick and easy to open a Saxo account. Simply submit your application here.

Saxo offers a range of account types, including individual accounts, joint accounts and corporate accounts. Read more about our accounts tiers here.

You can transfer your existing stock portfolio to Saxo after you have opened your account. Log in to the platform, go to the ‘Account’ section, select ‘Deposits and Transfers’ and then ‘Portfolio Transfer’.

You can explore our stock universe in our platform demo.

We're providing free access to live Level 1 market data for US and European stocks. With Level 1 market data, you’ll be able to view and trade on live, streaming Bid and Offer prices throughout the trading day.

Refer to terms and conditions here. To learn how to subscribe to live prices, please click here.

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Saxo Capital Markets Pte Ltd ('Saxo Markets') is a company authorised and regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) [Co. Reg. No.: 200601141M ] and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Saxo Bank A/S, headquartered in Denmark. Please refer to our General Business Terms & Risk Warning to consider whether acquiring or continuing to hold financial products is suitable for you, prior to opening an account and investing in a financial product.

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