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The prices are indicative and will vary according to the country of residency. A full overview of exact pricing is available through the platform trade tickets.
We execute stock orders using smart order routing (SOR) technology, which sources liquidity from multiple venues, including regulated exchanges and MTFs, to optimise execution rates and fill ratios.
Get an overview of our available market data subscription services here
You can use a percentage of your stocks’ value as margin collateral to increase your market exposure when trading leveraged products. To see a complete list of available stocks and ETFs, along with their collateral values, click here.
You can review our trading conditions for Stocks here.
Saxo Bank does not charge any custody fees.
Security transfer out incurs a fee of CHF 50 – or the equivalent amount in the account currency – each security position.
Taxes and fees may occur on other corporate action, other than cash dividends, such as fee on a stock dividend or tax on a merger. When such taxes and fees occur Saxo Bank Switzerland will debit the client’s account accordingly.
Find more information about our general charges here.
Specific taxes apply to stock transactions in some stock markets. You can see the taxation that applies to each market here.