Limited-time offer: $0 commission on 100 most popular US stocks for new clients
Other fees apply
*Receive up to £200 back on online trading fees, valid for a period of three months after your first trade. This offer cannot be used for FX, FX options, CFDs, and CFD indices. Capital at risk.
Exchange | HL | IG | AJ Bell | |
UK | GBP 4 0.08% (min. GBP 3) | GBP 11.95 | GBP 8 | GBP 5 |
US | USD 1 0.015 USD per share (min. USD 1) | GBP 11.95 | GBP 10 | GBP 5 |
FX conversion charges | GBP 12.5 (0.25%) | GBP 50 (1%-0.25%) | GBP 25 (0.5%) | GBP 37.5 (0.75%-0.25%) |
Daily trades
GBP client assets
GBP daily trade volume
You can use commission credits to cover commission costs when trading all products except FX, FX options, CFDs, and CFD indices.
Read the terms of the commission credit here
When you place a trade on any product that includes a commission fee – such as stocks, ETFs, futures and bonds – your commission credits kick in. You pay all trading fees upfront and, at the end of the day, we refund any commission costs that are covered by your credit balance. We refund you in the currency of your main account.
Note that commission credits have an expiration date defined by the specific offer as part of which you received them. You can always monitor your credit balance and refunds in the platform.
No, you can only use the credits to cover commission fees paid to Saxo.
No, the credits don’t cover the value of the stock, only commission fees connected to the purchase of the stock.
No. If you have any commission credits you don’t use by their expiration date, you lose them.