
Grow your wealth effortlessly with a  personalised portfolio

While you enjoy life, SaxoWealthCare manages your investments

  • 1,200,000+ clients

    across 15 countries

  • HKD 700 billion+

    in client assets

  • Funds protected

    by the Investor Compensation
    Fund in HK

  • Regulated

    in 15 financial centres worldwide

    Why SaxoWealthCare?

    • Get a personalised portfolio just for you

      Your unique financial needs are important. Create a tailor-made portfolio that combines your life goals and return objectives. Add protection options that meet your comfort level. 
    • Have guidance from world-class experts

      Saxo’s knowledgeable team is here to support you. Rest assured that your portfolio is professionally managed by experts at Saxo, BlackRock and Amundi. 
    • Grow long-term wealth, effortlessly

      You can easily keep track of your wealth 24/7, without sacrificing too much of your own time and effort. Simplify the long-term investment process by letting us take the reins to build, monitor and adjust your portfolio. 
    • Benefit from fair pricing

      We want to see you meet your goals. Keep more of your returns with our fairly priced, high-quality investment management service.

    How does SaxoWealthCare work?

    Complete a short questionnaire to establish strategy, risk tolerance and investment timeline.

    Further personalise your portfolio by setting your investment preferences (global-, Asia- or sustainability-focused) and investment goals.

    Fund your account and sit back. SaxoWealthCare builds a personalised investment portfolio from 80+ variations, then monitors and manages it for you.

    Minimum initial investment amount: HKD 150,000


    Your portfolio is one of a kind, and so are the returns

    Your asset management portfolio is highly personalised; no standard performance indicator can show you exactly how it will perform.

    However, to give you an idea, we've mapped the 10-year returns for a simplified version of an example asset management portfolio across 5 risk profiles.

    Annualised returns (10y) for different risk profiles

    Very dynamic +9.00%

    Dynamic +7.70%

    Moderate +6.35%

    Defensive +4.96%

    Very defensive +3.53%

    Disclaimer: As of 12/31/23. The chart above shows simulated performance of portfolios with preference for sustainable equity style. This is for indicative purpose only and should not be considered as a reliable indicator of future results. Simulated past performance is based on backtested performance of portfolio components prior to the portfolio’s launch in May 22. Historical returns presented before launch are calculated using the initial investment portfolio of May 22. These historical returns do not attempt to simulate investment decisions that could have been made before the portfolios was first created and assume the portfolio is rebalanced back to the targeted asset allocation weights on a monthly basis. After the launch all returns shown represent actual investment decisions in the portfolios. All returns are gross of all Saxo service costs including management fee and any transaction costs but net of ETF product cost (the TER).

    The more you invest, the lower the price

    Earn more with your investments via SaxoWealthCare. You get personalised wealth management from a trusted European financial institution with prices that are a fraction of the cost of traditional banks and competitive with digital wealth managers.

    Annual management fees

    • Classic


      of assets managed

      Minimum investment:
      HKD 150,000

    • Platinum


      of assets managed

      Minimum investment:
      HKD 1.5 million

    • VIP


      of assets managed

      Minimum investment:
      HKD 8 million

    A product fee (est. 0.05%-0.43% per year) levied by the fund managers is already included in the market price of the ETFs which make up your portfolio.

    There’s a better plan for you: goal-based investing

    Whether you are planning to buy a house or preparing for your children’s education, SaxoWealthCare helps you more easily realise these dreams. Want to set multiple goals at once? No problem!

    The chart above shows a forecast of your investment’s projected growth and should not be considered a reliable indicator of future results. This projection of general wealth development or the likelihood of achieving your goals shown in this chart is in no way a guarantee of actual results.

    Get help from our team of experts whenever you need it

    If you’re not sure whether SaxoWealthCare is right for you, get in touch and we’ll give you more details via email, phone or post.

    More contact options: Phone  +852 2207 6040 Email

    Start investing today

    Sign up online

    Apply and open your Saxo account in minutes.

    Let us know your preferences

    Complete a short questionnaire to establish your goals, risk tolerance and investment timeline.

    Fund your account and start investing

    Let our SaxoWealthCare experts build and manage your personalised investment portfolio. Just check in when you want and update if needed.

    More about SaxoWealthCare

    SaxoWealthCare is a personalised investment portfolio that helps investors effortlessly grow their wealth and achieve their financial aspirations. The portfolios are managed by a world-class team of investment experts who are trusted by 30,000 clients worldwide and who already oversee more than EUR 1 billion in client assets.

    Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, SaxoWealthCare can help you simplify your long-term investment process by building, monitoring and adjusting your tailor-made portfolio.

    If you have investment goals, SaxoWealthCare can help you achieve these goals more easily with the goal-based investing premium feature. Around 85% of clients who set goals in SaxoWealthCare are currently on track to meet them.

    This is the plan we create based on your input about financial goals (buying a house in five years, retiring two years early etc.), how much money you want to invest, what type of 'equity style' you'd like to invest in, and how much risk you’re willing to take. We turn all these variables into a plan proposal we make for you. If you approve it, we build the corresponding investment portfolio mix and start investing your money.

    The top reason to diversify your portfolio is to help spread your risk across different assets, sectors, industries or regions. Different asset classes will react differently as financial markets move up or down, so diversifying means your total investment doesn’t rely too heavily on any one thing.

    For example, typically when stocks prices go up, bond prices go down. Investing in both stocks and bonds means you’ll experience lower volatility (fewer ups and downs) which is more suitable for long-term, passive investors.

    Diversification is an important part of any risk management strategy that can help you protect your investments and make progress toward your goals. SaxoWealthCare offers diversified portfolios that help you achieve optimal investment returns based on your level of risk tolerance.

    Saxo Capital Markets manages the portfolio allocation (the division between stocks and bonds ETFs), which is updated automatically on your behalf based on your investment preferences and market movements. The underlying ETFs that your portfolio is made up of are managed by industry leading asset managers.

    Still have questions? Visit our support centre  Request a call

    Saxo Capital Markets HK Limited
    19th Floor
    Shanghai Commercial Bank Tower
    12 Queen’s Road Central
    Hong Kong

    Contact Saxo

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    Saxo Capital Markets HK Limited (“Saxo”) is a company authorised and regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong. Saxo holds a Type 1 Regulated Activity (Dealing in Securities); Type 2 Regulated Activity (Dealing in Futures Contract); Type 3 Regulated Activity (Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading); Type 4 Regulated Activity (Advising on Securities) and Type 9 Regulated Activity (Asset Management) licenses (CE No. AVD061). Registered address: 19th Floor, Shanghai Commercial Bank Tower, 12 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.

    Trading in financial instruments carries various risks, and is not suitable for all investors. Please seek expert advice, and always ensure that you fully understand these risks before trading. Trading in leveraged products may result in your losses exceeding your initial deposits. Saxo does not provide financial advice, any information available on this website is ‘general’ in nature and for informational purposes only. Saxo does not take into account an individual’s needs, objectives or financial situation. Please click here to view the relevant risk disclosure statements.

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