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Find inspiration quickly in hand-picked stock lists that pull together potential investments within a sector. And see if what you’ve found is right for your strategy at a glance with professional analyst ratings from Morningstar.
Use our research tools to analyse company fundamentals and see analyst sentiment indicators.
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You find your personal funding account number information directly in SaxoInvestor
Go to Menu > Deposits and Transfers > Bank Transfer > Choose transfer currency and Account ID > Funding Instructions Please also visit our website here to find more information on available payment methods.
Please note:
Please be aware that, due to regulatory requirements, we cannot accept funds before Due Diligence has been completed and you have received your account details. Any funds received before Due Diligence has been completed will need to be returned to your sending account.
To withdraw funds from SaxoInvestor, please follow the steps below:
Go to Menu > Deposits and Transfers > Withdraw Funds > Choose Account ID, transfer currency and withdrawal amount
Please visit our website here to find more information on funds withdrawals.
Please note:
You can request a margin account easily within SaxoInvestor.
Step 1: Go to “Click to open a margin lending account” in the "Markets" main page
Step 2: Fill out the information in "Apply for a Margin Lending Account"
Step 3: Attach latest payslip/tax statement and bank statement
Step 4: Click "Submit"
Currently, we offer margin lending for stocks only. Once you have a margin lending account set up, you can trade stocks on margin as per the below instructions.
Step 1: Select the stock that you want to buy
Step 2: Select the account you are going to use for this trade, i.e. margin lending account ending with MLH / MLU
Step 3: Select the order type (Market / Limit) and enter the number of shares you wish to purchase
Step 4: Review the cost, nominal value, initial collateral available, initial collateral impact, loan impact and the collateral utilization after trade in the trade ticket.
Step 5: If the information is correct, click on the “Buy” button and “Confirm” to place your order.
You can subscribe for Hong Kong stocks IPO on SaxoInvestor mobile App and the online platform. Here is what you should do after login:
Step 1. Go to on the top of the app and click on “IPOs”
Step 2. Click on “IPO Subscriptions”
Step 3. Select the IPO that you wish to subscribe for and indicate the amount of shared you want to buy
Step 4. Confirm the subscription order
Step 1. Go to the “Markets” page in main navigation
Step 2. Click on “Subscribe to Hong Kong IPOs – Click to access”
Step 3. Select the IPO that you wish to subscribe for and indicate the amount of shared you want to buy
Step 4. Confirm the subscription order
We currently offering the below products on SaxoInvestor:
If you are interested in trading margin products such as FX, futures and options, you can simple use our trading platform SaxoTraderGO and SaxoTraderPro. Your account ID and log in works across al Saxo platforms and your account balance, positions and settings follow you seamlessly.