Listed option pricing

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Click here to view all margin information related to trading options at Saxo.

In our platform you can subscribe to a range of news providers as well as live market data from various exchanges. For more information, click here.

You can review our trading conditions for Listed options here.

Overnight positions in short Stock and Contract Options are subject to a carrying cost.

Stock options:

The carrying cost is calculated based on the daily margin requirement and applied when a position is held overnight.

The carrying cost is calculated based on the rates in the table below.

Carrying Cost = Margin requirement * Days held * Carrying Cost Rate / (365 or 360 days).

Contract options:

The carrying cost is calculated based on the daily margin requirement and applied when a position is held overnight.

The carrying cost is calculated based on the rates in the table below.

Carrying Cost = Margin requirement * Days held * Carrying Cost Rate / (365 or 360 days). 

Carrying Cost Rate Account Tier

When trading listed options at Saxo Bank, there are no minimum ticket fees. Each trade is subject to a flat-rate fee based on the applicable account tier.

Find more information about our general charges here.

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