Point catalogue

The number of points you will earn will depend on the product(s) you trade, and the size of your trade(s). Certain products will earn you more points than others, and the more you trade – in value or lots, for example - the more points you will earn.

The table below shows how many points you will earn for specific trading volumes in different products. Please note that points are not awarded in these exact multiples; you can earn 4 points or 1,234 points, for example, from different trades.

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FX spot tradeEUR 10,00020
FX option tradeEUR 10,00040
CFD index tradeEUR 10,00010
Stocks/ETFs/ETNEUR 10,000250
Contract future trade170
Contract options trade170
Bonds investmentEUR 10,000320
CFD equity tradeEUR 10,000180
CFD exp. tradeEUR 10,00050
Stock option trade140
Non-stock option trade170

*EUR or equivalent value in trading currencies.

Frequently asked questions

You don’t need to do anything. As you’re already a Saxo client, you’ll automatically join our loyalty programme, for no extra charge.

The number of points you will earn will depend on the product(s) you trade, and the size of your trade(s). Certain products will earn you more points than others, and the more you trade - in value or lots, for example – the more points you will earn.

When Saxo Rewards launched on12 May 2020, existing clients remained in the same tier they were in immediately prior to the launch. If you're a new client, your initial deposit will determine your account tier. Initial funding of HKD 10,000 will secure entry to the Classic tier, HKD 1,500,000 to the Platinum tier, and HKD 8,000,000 to the VIP tier. The upgrade will be effective two working days after the balance in your Saxo account reaches the qualifying level (e.g. HKD 8,000,000 to attain VIP status).

To qualify for an upgrade, you’ll need to earn a specific number of reward points, defined by the tier you want to join. We base qualification to a tier on the number of points you’ve earned this month, and in the three previous months. 

For example, any points earned in January will not be included in the points total from 1 May.

When you qualify for an account tier, you’ll receive a rolling 12-month membership. That means if you continue to meet the rolling points criteria of your tier, your 12-month membership will roll over as well. If you ever drop below the qualifying points criteria, you’ll have a 12-month grace period before we’ll move you to a lower tier, giving you time to build up your reward points again.

There are two ways you can earn reward points by funding your account.

1. First 30 days net funding

As a new Saxo client, you’ll receive reward points based on your net funding during the first 30 days from your first funding of your Saxo account.

You will earn 0.6 points on every Euro deposited, or on its equivalent in your account's currency.

As an example, if you were to deposit USD 250,000, you will earn more than 120,000 points and therefore will qualify for the Platinum account tier.

Following the same principle, if you were to fund USD 1,250,000 to your account, you will earn more than 500,000 reward points and therefore will qualify for the VIP account tier.

If you withdraw funds, your points balance will reduce accordingly.

We’ll recalculate your points balance at the end of each day, and deduct points on a daily basis if you withdraw funds, so you can monitor your points on a regular basis. Any upgrade will be effective two working days after the balance in your Saxo account reaches the qualifying level.

Please note that total AuM (apart from your net funding and securities transfers) will not be taken into consideration for the purposes of calculating points during this initial, 30-day period.

2. First 30 days securities transfers 

As a new Saxo client, you’ll receive reward points based on your net securities transfers into your account during your first 30 days with us. 

You will earn 0.6 points on every Euro transferred, or on its equivalent in your account's currency.

As an example, if you were to transfer USD 250,000, you will earn more than 120,000 points and therefore will qualify for the Platinum account tier.

Following the same principle, if you were to transfer USD 1,250,000 to your account, you will earn more than 500,000 reward points and therefore will qualify for the VIP account tier.

If you withdraw funds or transfer securities out of your account, your points balance will reduce accordingly. 

We’ll recalculate your points balance at the end of each day, and deduct points on a daily basis if you withdraw funds or transfer securities out of your account, so you can monitor your points on a regular basis. Any upgrade will be effective two working days after the balance in your Saxo account reaches the qualifying level. 

Please note that total AuM (apart from your net funding and securities transfers) will not be taken into consideration for the purposes of calculating points during this initial, 30-day period. 

3. Funds and AuM over time

After your account has been open for 30 days, you’ll continue to receive points for the funds you hold with us, but as these funds may have converted from cash to positions the points you receive will be based on the total average assets under management (AuM) of your account, rather than the cash balance. This refers to the total value of your account, including any deposits and open positions.

Your reward points are calculated based on the monthly average AuM, and you’ll receive your points two trading days before the end of each month.

You will earn 0.025 points on every Euro AuM, or on its equivalent in your account's currency. An average AuM of USD 10,000 for example, would earn you more than 200 Reward points every month.

Please note that we will not include AuM in our calculations during the first 30 days of your account being open. Rather, during this period we will consider net funding and securities transfers into the account, as outlined above.

If you don’t meet the points criteria of your tier, we won’t move you to a lower tier immediately. Instead, you’ll enter a 12-month grace period. This means you can continue to enjoy all the benefits of your current account tier for at least another 12 months.

This should give you time to collect enough reward points to qualify for your current tier again. If you do, your rolling 12-month membership will start anew. We will only consider moving you to a lower tier if you’re unable to meet the points criteria of your tier at any time during the grace period.

Points are credited to accounts automatically on a daily basis, so please allow 24 hours for points you have earnt to be reflected in your account.
  1. Your Saxo Rewards tier is strictly personal to your own client account and is non-transferable. Abuse of the Saxo Rewards program inconsistent with the purpose and intention of the program (such as gaming with and/or exploiting any unintended technical limitation) may lead to:
    1. The clawback of any Saxo Rewards points credited to you that may be deemed ineligible; and/or
    2. You being disqualified from the Saxo Rewards program and your benefits being withdrawn from you.
  2. Saxo reserves the discretion to determine what behaviour or activity constitutes misuse of the Saxo Rewards programme, and may require you to indemnify it for any losses and/or damage arising from such misuse.
  3. Saxo reserves the right to modify the Saxo Rewards programme, including these terms, at any time. This includes (but is not limited to) changes such as:
      1. Tier qualification requirements and/or conditions;
      2. The type of benefits accruing to the various tiers (as applicable);
      3. Validity duration of Saxo Rewards points; and
      4. Special features, offers and/or promotions (as applicable) that may be available to various tiers.
  4. You accept that you are responsible for keeping yourself updated on any changes that Saxo may implement to the Saxo Rewards programme from time to time.

Saxo Rewards

Trade more, pay less and receive better service with our new loyalty programme.

Saxo Capital Markets HK Limited
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Hong Kong

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Saxo Capital Markets HK Limited (“Saxo”) is a company authorised and regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong. Saxo holds a Type 1 Regulated Activity (Dealing in Securities); Type 2 Regulated Activity (Dealing in Futures Contract); Type 3 Regulated Activity (Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading); Type 4 Regulated Activity (Advising on Securities) and Type 9 Regulated Activity (Asset Management) licenses (CE No. AVD061). Registered address: 19th Floor, Shanghai Commercial Bank Tower, 12 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.

Trading in financial instruments carries various risks, and is not suitable for all investors. Please seek expert advice, and always ensure that you fully understand these risks before trading. Trading in leveraged products may result in your losses exceeding your initial deposits. Saxo does not provide financial advice, any information available on this website is ‘general’ in nature and for informational purposes only. Saxo does not take into account an individual’s needs, objectives or financial situation. Please click here to view the relevant risk disclosure statements.

The Saxo trading platform has received numerous awards and recognition. For details of these awards and information on awards visit www.home.saxo/en-hk/about-us/awards.

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