Smart Investor: Volatility, what is it and why it is important Smart Investor: Volatility, what is it and why it is important Smart Investor: Volatility, what is it and why it is important

Smart Investor: Volatility, what is it and why it is important

Options 10 minutes to read
Koen Hoorelbeke

Options Strategist

Summary:  Understanding market volatility is essential for making informed investment decisions and managing risk. This article explains the importance of volatility, its measurement, and its impact on risk assessment, options pricing, portfolio management, and market sentiment, helping investors navigate market fluctuations effectively.

Understanding volatility: The key to smart investing

In the world of investing, understanding market volatility is crucial for making informed decisions and managing risk. Volatility, often perceived as a complex and intimidating concept, plays a central role in determining the behavior of financial markets. This article aims to demystify volatility, explaining its importance, how it is measured, and its current state based on the latest data. By gaining a clear understanding of volatility, investors can better navigate market fluctuations and develop strategies that align with their risk tolerance and investment goals.

What is volatility?

Volatility is a statistical measure of the dispersion of returns for a given security or market index. In simpler terms, it represents the degree of variation in the price of a financial instrument over time. Higher volatility indicates that a security's price can change dramatically over a short period in either direction, while lower volatility suggests that a security's price remains relatively stable. Understanding volatility is crucial for investors and traders alike, as it directly impacts risk assessment, options pricing, portfolio management, market sentiment, and strategic planning.

The importance of volatility

1. Risk assessment

Investors and traders use volatility as a gauge of risk. Higher volatility means higher risk, but also the potential for higher returns. Understanding volatility helps investors decide whether they are comfortable with the level of risk associated with a particular investment. For instance, a highly volatile stock might offer the potential for significant gains, but it also comes with the risk of substantial losses.


Consider two stocks, A and B:

  • Stock A has a historical volatility of 10%, meaning its price typically fluctuates by 10% per year.
  • Stock B has a historical volatility of 40%, indicating its price can swing by 40% per year.

An investor seeking stability might prefer Stock A, while a more risk-tolerant investor might be attracted to the potential high returns of Stock B.

2. Options pricing

Volatility is a critical component in options pricing models. The most widely used model, the Black-Scholes model, directly incorporates volatility to determine the fair value of an option. Higher volatility typically increases the price of options because the likelihood of significant price swings (and thus the chance of the option ending in-the-money) is higher. This makes understanding volatility essential for options traders.


Suppose an option with 30 days to expiration has the following prices based on different volatilities:

  • At 20% volatility: Option price is $5.
  • At 40% volatility: Option price is $10.

The doubling of volatility from 20% to 40% results in the option price doubling as well, illustrating the sensitivity of options pricing to changes in volatility.

3. Portfolio management

Volatility is crucial for portfolio management and diversification strategies. Investors seek to balance their portfolios to achieve an optimal mix of risk and return. Understanding the volatility of individual securities and the correlations between them helps in constructing a diversified portfolio that minimizes risk. By spreading investments across assets with varying levels of volatility, investors can reduce the overall risk of their portfolios.


A portfolio consisting of:

  • 50% Stock A (10% volatility)
  • 50% Stock B (40% volatility)

The overall portfolio volatility will be lower than the average of individual volatilities if the stocks are not perfectly correlated. This demonstrates the benefit of diversification.

4. Market sentiment

Volatility often reflects market sentiment. High volatility can indicate uncertainty and fear among investors, leading to sharp market movements. Conversely, low volatility may suggest complacency or confidence. By monitoring volatility, investors can gain insights into market psychology and adjust their strategies accordingly.


During the 2008 financial crisis, the VIX spiked to over 80, reflecting extreme fear and uncertainty. In contrast, during periods of economic stability, the VIX typically hovers around 10-20.

5. Strategic planning

For traders, especially those employing short-term strategies, volatility is a key factor in planning trades. High volatility environments may present more trading opportunities due to larger price movements, whereas low volatility may necessitate different strategies, such as range-bound trading. Traders must adapt their approaches based on the prevailing volatility conditions to maximize their chances of success.


A day trader might look for stocks with daily volatilities of 5% or more to capitalize on intraday price movements, whereas a swing trader might focus on stocks with lower volatilities for more stable, longer-term trends.

Measures of volatility

1. Historical volatility

Historical volatility is calculated based on past price movements over a specific period. It provides an empirical measure of how much the price of a security has fluctuated in the past. This measure helps investors understand the asset's behavior and predict future volatility.


If a stock's price ranged from $100 to $120 over the past year, its historical volatility might be calculated as 20%.

2. Implied volatility

Implied volatility is derived from the prices of options on the security. It represents the market's expectation of future volatility. Higher implied volatility suggests that the market anticipates larger price movements in the future. This measure is particularly useful for options traders looking to gauge market sentiment and make informed trading decisions.


If the implied volatility of a stock option is 30%, it means that the market expects the stock price to move by 30% over the life of the option.

3. VIX index: The fear gauge

One of the most well-known measures of market volatility is the VIX, often referred to as the "fear gauge." The VIX measures the market's expectation of 30-day volatility for the S&P 500 index. It is calculated based on the prices of S&P 500 index options and is a widely used indicator of market sentiment.

How the VIX works

The VIX is derived from the prices of near-term S&P 500 options. It reflects the market's expectations for volatility over the next 30 days. When the VIX is high, it indicates that investors expect significant price fluctuations in the near future. Conversely, a low VIX suggests that investors expect relatively stable prices.

  • During periods of market stability, the VIX might be around 12-15.
  • In times of market stress or uncertainty, the VIX can spike above 30-40.

Other Volatility Indices

Beyond the well-known VIX, there are numerous other volatility indices that provide insights into various aspects of market behavior. Here's a brief description of some of these indices:

  • VIX1D: The 1-Day VIX measures the expected volatility of the S&P 500 index over the next day. It provides a very short-term view of market expectations and is useful for intraday traders.
  • VIX9D: The 9-Day VIX measures the expected volatility of the S&P 500 index over the next nine days. This index captures short-term market sentiment and is often used by traders looking to gauge near-term volatility.
  • VIX: The standard VIX measures the market's expectation of 30-day volatility for the S&P 500 index. It is a widely followed indicator of overall market sentiment and fear.
  • VX1!: The VIX futures index represents the market's expectations of future volatility based on VIX futures contracts. It provides insights into how volatility is expected to evolve over time.
  • ES1!: The E-mini S&P 500 futures index tracks the futures contracts for the S&P 500. It reflects expectations of market volatility and direction based on futures prices.
  • NQ1!: The E-mini Nasdaq 100 futures index tracks the futures contracts for the Nasdaq 100. It provides insights into expected volatility and market direction for technology and growth stocks.
  • VVIX: The VVIX, or Volatility of VIX, measures the expected volatility of the VIX itself. It is an indicator of how much the market expects the VIX to move and reflects uncertainty about future volatility.
  • SKEW: The CBOE Skew Index measures the perceived tail risk of the distribution of S&P 500 returns. Higher values indicate a greater perceived risk of extreme negative returns.
  • COR3M: The 3-Month Correlation Index measures the expected correlation between S&P 500 components over the next three months. It provides insights into the degree of diversification benefit in the market.
  • DSPX: The Dispersion Index measures the expected dispersion of returns among S&P 500 components. Higher dispersion indicates greater differences in performance among the index's constituents, reflecting a more varied market outlook.


Understanding volatility is essential for making informed investment decisions, managing risk, and developing trading strategies. By keeping an eye on volatility, investors can better navigate the complexities of the financial markets. The VIX, in particular, serves as a powerful tool for gauging market sentiment and anticipating future price movements. Whether you're an options trader, a long-term investor, or a short-term trader, a solid grasp of volatility and its implications can enhance your investment approach and improve your chances of success in the financial markets.

Check out these guides and case studies:
In-depth guide to using long-term options for strategic portfolio management  Our specialized resource designed to learn you strategically manage profits and reduce reliance on single (or few) positions within your portfolio using long-term options. This guide is crafted to assist you in understanding and applying long-term options to diversify investments and secure gains while maintaining market exposure.
Case study: using covered calls to enhance portfolio performance  This case study delves into the covered call strategy, where an investor holds a stock and sells call options to generate premium income. The approach offers a balanced method for generating income and managing risk, with protection against minor declines and capped potential gains.
Case study: using protective puts to manage risk  This analysis examines the protective put strategy, where an investor owns a stock and buys put options to safeguard against significant declines. Despite the cost of the premium, this approach offers peace of mind and financial protection, making it ideal for risk-averse investors. 
Case study: using cash-secured puts to acquire stocks at a discount and generate income  This review investigates the cash-secured put strategy, where an investor sells put options while holding enough cash to buy the stock if exercised. This method balances income generation with the potential to acquire stocks at a lower cost, appealing to cautious investors.
Case study: using collars to balance risk and reward This study focuses on the collar strategy, where an investor owns a stock, buys protective puts, and sells call options to balance risk and reward. This cost-neutral approach, achieved by offsetting the cost of puts with the premiums from calls, provides a safety net and additional income, making it suitable for cautious investors. 
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"Saxo Options Talk" podcast
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Options are complex, high-risk products and require knowledge, investment experience and, in many applications, high risk acceptance. We recommend that before you invest in options, you inform yourself well about the operation and risks. In Saxo Bank's Terms of Use you will find more information on this in the Important Information Options, Futures, Margin and Deficit Procedure. You can also consult the Essential Information Document of the option you want to invest in on Saxo Bank's website. 

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