At Saxo all equities trade on actual market data from the stock exchanges. To receive and trade on real-time market data, you will have to subscribe to the individual exchange.
A subscription to live price data from an exchange gives you access to live prices on Stocks, Single Stock CFDs, ETFs/ETCs and CFDs on ETFs/ETCs from the particular exchange.
An Online Subscription Tool is available in the trading platform. In the tool, you will find a list of available exchanges and news services alongside the applicable monthly fees. You will be able to subscribe and unsubscribe to services of your choice. Further information can be found in the Subscription Tool guide, which is also available on the trading platform.
Level 1 or Level 2 data
Level 1 price data refers to the first level of the order book on the exchange. With a Level 1 subscription you can see live, streaming, bid and offer prices.
With a Level 2 price data subscription you can see live, streaming prices as with Level 1 but on top of this you can see the market depth of bid/offer prices and the amounts available at each price point.
North America & Canada
Europe / Middle East / Africa
Asia / Pacific