June market performance: The two-lane economy is still going strong

Søren Otto Simonsen
Senior Investment Editor
Sources: Bloomberg and Saxo
*Please note that the sector graph omits the real estate sector this time around. This is because Bloomberg hasn’t posted prices in June for MSCI World Real Estate (MXWO0RL), which has been used as the proxy for that sector.
Global equities are measured using the MSCI World Index. Equity regions are measured using the S&P 500 (US) and the MSCI indices Europe, AC Asia Pacific, and EM respectively. Equity sectors are measured using the MSCI World/Sector indices, e.g., MSCI World/Energy. Bonds are measured using the USD-hedged Bloomberg Aggregate Total Return indices for total, sovereign, and corporate respectively. Global commodities are measured using the Bloomberg Commodity Index. Oil is measured using the next consecutive month’s WTI crude oil futures contract (Generic 1st CL Future). Gold is measured using the gold spot dollar price per ounce. The US dollar currency spot is measured using the Dollar Index Spot, measuring it against a weighted basket of the following currencies: EUR, JPY, GBP, CAD, SEK, and CHF. Unless otherwise specified, figures are in local currencies.