Post-earnings checklist for Nvidia Investors Post-earnings checklist for Nvidia Investors Post-earnings checklist for Nvidia Investors

Post-earnings checklist for Nvidia Investors

Options 10 minutes to read
Koen Hoorelbeke

Options Strategist

Earnings season is a critical time for investors, providing valuable insights into a company's performance and future prospects. For a tech giant like Nvidia, post-earnings analysis can reveal crucial details about its financial health, strategic direction, and market position. To make the most of this information, it's essential to follow a structured approach.

This guide offers a detailed checklist to help you navigate Nvidia's earnings report and subsequent developments. By systematically examining key areas such as financial results, future outlook, and strategic initiatives, you can gain a clearer understanding of the company's trajectory. Additionally, we'll explore methods to enhance your investment strategy, ensuring you are well-positioned to manage risks and capitalize on opportunities.

Whether you are a seasoned investor or new to the market, this checklist will provide you with the tools needed to make informed decisions based on Nvidia's latest earnings. Let's dive into the post-earnings checklist to uncover the insights and strategies that can drive your investment success.

Post-earnings checklist for Nvidia

Results analysis - Beat or miss?

  • Earnings per share (EPS): Did the EPS meet or exceed analyst expectations? Analyze any significant deviations and understand the reasons behind them.
    • Earnings per share (EPS):
      • Q1 FY2025 EPS: $5.98 (GAAP), $6.12 (Non-GAAP)
      • Comparison to Analyst Expectations: Nvidia's EPS significantly exceeded expectations, up 629% from the same quarter last year (GAAP), and up 461% (Non-GAAP) (NVIDIA Newsroom).
  • Revenue: Was the reported revenue in line with expectations? Look for trends in sales growth or declines.
    • Revenue:
      • Q1 FY2025 Revenue: $26.0 billion
      • Comparison to Analyst Expectations: Nvidia's revenue grew 262% year-over-year, demonstrating strong performance and surpassing expectations (NVIDIA Newsroom).
  • Other financial metrics: Examine margins, operating income, and cash flow for a comprehensive understanding.
    • Gross Margin: 78.4% (GAAP), 78.9% (Non-GAAP)
    • Operating Income: $16.9 billion, up 690%
    • Net Income: $14.9 billion, up 628% (NVIDIA Newsroom).
  • Financial statements: In-depth review: Go beyond the headlines to scrutinize the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement for any red flags or areas of strength.

    Looking beyond these figures, the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement show significant strength. For instance:

    • Total Assets: $77.1 billion, up from $65.7 billion last quarter
    • Total Current Assets: $53.7 billion, up from $44.3 billion
    • Net Income for Q1 FY2025: $14.9 billion, up from $2.0 billion last year
    • Ten-for-one forward stock split effective June 7, 2024 (NVIDIA Newsroom).
      (a stock split could be beneficial by making the shares more affordable to a broader range of investors, potentially increasing demand, but it could also be seen as negative if it indicates the company is artificially inflating its stock price without underlying growth)

Future outlook

  • Guidance: Next quarter/year expectations: Pay close attention to the company's guidance. Are the projections optimistic or cautious? How do they compare to previous forecasts?
    • Next quarter/year expectations:
    • Revenue: Nvidia expects Q2 FY2025 revenue to be approximately $28.0 billion, plus or minus 2%.
    • Gross Margin: GAAP gross margins are expected to be 79.0%, plus or minus 50 basis points.
    • Operating Expenses: GAAP operating expenses are projected to be around $3.5 billion (NVIDIA Newsroom).
  • Strategic initiatives: New projects and partnerships: Consider any new ventures, partnerships, or market expansions mentioned during the earnings call. Assess their potential long-term impact on the company.

    • Collaboration with Google: Nvidia continues to optimize its data center and AI platforms with Google.
    • Expansion with AWS: Hosting NVIDIA® DGX™ Cloud on Amazon Web Services.
    • Partnership with Amgen: Using NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD™ for drug discovery and diagnostics (NVIDIA Newsroom).

Investment thesis

  • Revisit your thesis: Alignment with original thesis: Does the latest earnings report support your original investment thesis? Ensure your reasons for investing in Nvidia still hold true.
  • Adjustments: Valuation and forecast updates: Based on the new information, you might need to adjust your valuation of the company or your forecast for its future performance.

Staying informed

Recommended Articles

  1. May 24, 2024: Key Stories from the past week
  2. May 24, 2024: Nvidia earnings, electrification boom, and bubbles
    • The article discusses Nvidia's recent earnings surge, driven by strong AI demand, and explores the broader themes of electrification and potential bubbles in the US equities market, highlighting key players in grid technology and upcoming significant earnings reports
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  3. May 23, 2024: Technical Analysis: Nvidia Hits New All-Time High
    • Technical analysis of Nvidia's stock, exploring its recent all-time high and potential for further growth.
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  4. May 22, 2024: Nvidia: Can it fend off the barbarians at the gate?
    • Article discussing Nvidia's strategies to maintain its market dominance amidst increasing competition.
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  5. May 21, 2024Podcast: Equities Update
    • This podcast-episode covers the latest trends in the equities market, focusing on Nvidia's recent performance and market positioning.
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Portfolio enhancement strategies

  • Risk management and diversification: Balancing your portfolio: Consider strategies to balance your portfolio in light of the earnings results. This may involve adjusting positions to manage risk effectively.
  • Enhancing returns: Exploring new opportunities: Think about ways to enhance your portfolio returns through strategic investments. Look for tools and instruments that offer flexibility in adjusting exposure and capturing potential upside while managing downside risk.
  • Leveraging market conditions: Tactical moves: Utilize market reactions post-earnings to make tactical moves in your portfolio. Whether it’s rebalancing, diversifying, or strategically positioning your investments, there are sophisticated methods to optimize your portfolio’s performance.
Guide on long-term options for strategic portfolio management
Long-term options can be a prudent addition to your investment approach if you're looking to:
  • Secure gains and reduce exposure from positions with significant profits.
  • Diversify your investment portfolio without completely divesting valuable holdings.
  • Maintain flexibility in your market exposure with a reduced capital commitment.
Guide on long-term options for strategic portfolio management

Tips for Post-Earnings Period

Maintain rational decision-making

  • Avoid emotional reactions: Post-earnings periods can be volatile. Ensure your investment decisions are driven by thorough analysis rather than short-term emotional responses.

Conduct a post-earnings review

  • Evaluate performance: Compare the latest earnings report with your expectations and the market consensus. Identify key drivers of any deviations.
  • Update your investment thesis: Use the new data to reassess your investment strategy. Adjust your valuation and forecast models as necessary.

Leverage market opportunities

  • Identify trends: Look for emerging trends or shifts in the market sentiment post-earnings that could impact Nvidia's future performance.
  • Adjust positions: Consider rebalancing your portfolio to optimize risk and return based on the latest financial insights.


Nvidia's latest earnings report demonstrates significant growth and robust performance across multiple sectors, reinforcing its position as a market leader. By analyzing key financial metrics, revisiting investment theses, and leveraging expert insights, investors can make informed decisions to optimize their portfolios. Staying rational and conducting thorough post-earnings reviews are essential strategies to navigate the volatility and capitalize on market opportunities. With strategic initiatives and strong future guidance, Nvidia continues to show promising potential for sustained success.

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