オプションで資産を増やす:初めての人のための投資運用ガイド(オプション売り編) - From zero to hero: selling options オプションで資産を増やす:初めての人のための投資運用ガイド(オプション売り編) - From zero to hero: selling options オプションで資産を増やす:初めての人のための投資運用ガイド(オプション売り編) - From zero to hero: selling options

オプションで資産を増やす:初めての人のための投資運用ガイド(オプション売り編) - From zero to hero: selling options

Options 10 minutes to read


サマリー:  「オプションで資産を増やす」シリーズでは、オプションのテクニックと戦略をわかりやすく解説し、誰もがアクセスできるようにしています。この記事では、オプションの売り、どのようにプレミアムを獲得できるのか、そしてそれによってどのように利益を上げることができるのか、またそれに伴うリスクについて詳しく説明します。












  • プレミアムによる収入:オプションのプレミアムを定期的に集めることで、安定した収入源を創出できます。
  • より低い価格で所有できる可能性:特定の株式に注目していて、割引価格で購入を検討している場合は、プットオプションを売却する戦略を検討してみてください。 



1. コールオプションの売却:コールオプションを売却すると、基本的には、株式に対して強気なコールの買い手とは逆の立場を取ることになります。架空の会社BigCompanyを例に挙げてみましょう。現在、1株50ドルで取引されています。あなたは、短期的には株価が大幅に上昇しないと信じているので、55ドルの行使価格で1.50ドル(100株を1契約でコントロールするため、合計150ドル)のプレミアムでコールオプションを売却することにしました。



2. プットオプションの売却:逆に、プットオプションを売却するということは、株式に対して弱気なプットの買い手とは反対のスタンスを取ることを意味します。先ほどの架空のBigCompanyの例に戻ると、株価が現在の50ドルから大きく下落しないと推測した場合、行使価格45ドルで1.50ドル(100株を1契約でコントロールするため、合計150ドル)のプレミアムを獲得して、プットオプションを売却する選択肢があります。

この場合、損益分岐点は43.50ドルで、行使価格からプレミアムを差し引いた金額です(45ドル - 1.50ドル)。つまり、オプションが満期になる前に、株価が45ドルを下回らないことを賭けていることになります。株価が45ドル以上を維持した場合は、プレミアム全額を保持でき、それが利益になります。逆に、株価が43.50ドルを下回ると、損失を被ります。なぜなら、現在の市場価格がより低くても、あなたは45ドルで各株を買う義務を負うからです。






1. セーフティネットとしてのプレミアム: オプションを売るとき、集めたプレミアムはセーフティ・ネットとして機能し、あなたの経済的努力にいくらかのクッションを加えることができます:

  • コール・オプションの売り: コール・オプションの売り:コール・オプションの売りは、原資産を一定期間内に指定した価格で売ることを約定するものである。原資産を所有し、権利行使価格で売却する意思がある場合、集めたプレミアムは、原資産の市場価値が下落する可能性があっても、それを緩和するのに役立ちます。基本的には、資産の市場動向に関係なく、ある程度の収益を確保するバッファーを提供します。
  • プット・オプションの売り: プット・オプションの売り:逆に、プット・オプションの売りは、原資産をあらかじめ決められた価格で購入する可能性があることに同意することである。権利行使価格で原資産を購入するつもりであれば、集めたプレミアムは市場価格の上昇の可能性を相殺することができ、購入価格の上昇を緩和する安全なクッションとして機能する。

2. タイムディケイ(時間的価値の減少)の利用: オプションは時間の経過とともに価値を失う。オプションの売り手としては、タイムディケイ(時間的価値の減少)は有利に働きます。オプションは、満期に近づくにつれて価値が下がり、売った値段よりも安い値段で買い戻すことができる可能性があります。



  1. 大きな損失の可能性 大損の可能性:オプションの売りは、特にマーケットが自分のポジションに不利に大きく動いた場合、大損につながる可能性がある。損失の可能性を認識し、適切にリスクを管理することが重要です。
  2. 必要証拠金:オプションを売る際には、証拠金口座を維持しなければならない。つまり、担保として一定額の資金が口座に必要です。必要証拠金を把握しておくことは、リスクを効果的に管理するために不可欠です。
  3. アーリー・アサインメント・リスク: オプションを売る場合、アーリー・アサインメントには常にリスクが伴う。早期指定は、オプションの買い手が満期前に原資産を売買する権利を行使することを選択した場合に起こります。このリスクは、オプションの本質的な価値に目を配り、必要に応じて行動を起こす準備をすることで管理できます。



  1. ストップ・ロスの設定: ストップ・ロスの設定: ストップ・ロスを設定し、潜在的な損失を限定するのも一つの戦略だ。ストップロスとは、株価が特定の価格に達したら売買する注文のこと。
  2. スプレッド: もう一つの戦略は、スプレッドを利用して潜在的な損失を抑えることである。スプレッドでは、あるオプションを売り、同時に別のオプションを買うことで、潜在的な利益と損失に上限を設けることができる。スプレッ ドは「オプション戦略」であり、今後の「オプションで資産を増やす」の記事で取り上げます。
  3. ヘッジ: このガイドではシンプルに説明していますが、ヘッジのような高度な戦略もリスク管理に役立つことがあります。




  1. ボラティリティ: 銘柄のボラティリティを理解することは、オプションの売りから得られる可能性のある プレミアムを決定するのに役立つ。通常、ボラティリティが高いほどプレミアムも高くなります。
  2. 経済指標: 経済指標やニュースに注目することで、株式市場の潜在的な動きを洞察することができ、十分な情報に基づいた意思決定に役立ちます。
  3. 企業の業績: オプションを売る前に、その会社の業績、財務の安定性、将来性などを検討する。



  1. カバード・コール: ある銘柄を保有している場合、その銘柄のコール・オプションを売って追加収入を得ることができます。この戦略は、カバード・コール戦略として知られています。
  2. キャッシュ・セキュアード(現金担保)・プット: もう一つの戦略は、プット・オプションを売りながら、もしそのプット・オプションが割り当てられたら、原株を購入するために必要な現金を用意することである。この戦略はキャッシュ・セキュアード・プットと呼ばれ、プレミアムを得ながら株価を安く買える可能性がある。
  3. ネイキッド・オプション: より冒険的な投資家には、ネイキッド・オプションの売り戦略がある。これは、原資産を所有せずにオプションを売るというもので、リスクとリターンが高いシステムである。



  1. 取引プラットフォーム: SaxoTraderGoは、オプション取引を始めるのに最適なプラットフォームです。SaxoTrader Proは、高度な取引とリサーチのための最高級のプラットフォームです。
  2. 教育リソース: 信頼できるリソースを通じて継続的に知識を得ることは、十分な情報に基づいた意思決定に役立ちます。質の高いコンテンツは、検索エンジンやYouTubeなどで簡単に見つけることができます。








オプションは複雑で、リスクの高い商品です。知識、投資経験、多くの場合、高いリスク許容度が必要です。オプションに投資する前に、その操作とリスクについて十分に理解することをお勧めします。 詳細は、サクソバンク証券の「外国株式オプション取引に係る説明書等 」をご確認ください。


Summary:  In our new series "from zero to hero" we explain option techniques and strategies and make them accessible for everybody. This article specifically provides an introduction to selling options, often called premium selling and how to make money with them, as well as the associated risks involved.

From zero to hero: selling options


In our previous from-zero-to-hero guide, we unraveled the intricacies of buying options, laying a foundation in the vibrant world of options trading. Yet, as the saying goes, it takes two to tango. While buying options is one side of the story, there is another pivotal character in this narrative — the seller.
So, who are these sellers? Could you potentially step into their shoes? How does selling options work, and what does it entail in terms of risks and rewards?
In this guide, we will delve into the other half of the options trading dance — selling options. It's about time we answer these pressing questions, helping you explore the avenues of generating potential profits as an option seller, while understanding the ropes to manage the associated risks adeptly.


Basics of selling options

What does it mean to sell options?

Ever wondered who is on the other side of the transaction when you buy an option? It's the options sellers, individuals or entities selling you the rights that come with the option contract. When you sell an option, instead of acquiring the right to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price, you are granting that right to someone else. Essentially, you are creating an options contract and selling it to a buyer in exchange for a premium - a fee that the buyer pays upfront.

Why sell options?

Selling options can be a strategic move to generate income. Each time you sell an option, you receive a premium from the buyer, which is yours to keep, regardless of whether the option gets exercised. Here are some reasons why investors choose to sell options:
  1. Income through premiums: Regularly selling options can create a consistent stream of income from the premiums collected.
  2. Potential ownership at a lower price: If there's a particular stock you have your eye on and would consider buying at a reduced price, selling put options might be a strategy to explore.

Types of options you can sell: call and put

You've learned about buying call and put options in the previous guide; now let's flip the perspective and explore the inverse strategy:
  1. Selling a Call Option: When you sell a call option, you're essentially taking the opposite viewpoint of a call buyer, who is bullish on the stock. Let's take an imaginary company, BigCompany, as an example, which is currently trading at $50 per share. You believe that in the short term, the stock will not appreciate significantly, and therefore you decide to sell a call option with a strike price of $55 for a premium of $1.50 per share (or $150 in total, as one contract typically controls 100 shares).

    In this case, your break-even point at expiration is $56.50, which is obtained by adding the premium received to the strike price ($55 + $1.50). You would retain the entire premium if the stock price remains below $55. However, if the stock price surges above $56.50, you'd start experiencing losses, since you would be obligated to sell the shares at $55, even though they are trading at a higher market price.

    Below is a screenshot that visualizes this concept (it uses other prices, but the principles remain the same). In bullets 1, 2 and 3 the outcome of selling the call is profitable, only bullet 4, a steep rise contradictory to the assumption, is negative.

2. Selling a Put Option: Conversely, selling a put option means you're taking a stance contrary to a put buyer, who is bearish on the stock. Going back to our imaginary BigCompany scenario, if you speculate that the stock will not decrease much from its current $50 price point, you might choose to sell a put option with a strike price of $45, earning a premium of $1.50 per share or $150 in total.

Here, your break-even point is $43.50, which is the strike price minus the premium received ($45 - $1.50). You are essentially betting that the stock won't fall below $45 before the option expires. If the stock remains above $45, you get to keep the entire premium, which turns into your profit. Conversely, if the stock falls below $43.50, you will incur losses as you have a commitment to buy the shares at $45 each, even if the current market price is lower.
Below is an screenshot, showing the concept of selling a put (using different prices, same principles). In bullets 1, 2 and 3 the outcome of selling the put is profitable, only bullet 4, a steep decline against your assumption, is negative for your P&L.
In both scenarios, selling options allows you to earn a premium, which can either cushion potential losses or enhance your profits if the market moves sideways or slightly in your anticipated direction. It introduces a strategy where you can benefit from the market's stability or slight movements, contrasting with buying options, which generally necessitates substantial price swings to turn a profit.

How to profit and manage risk while selling options

Making money through premium collection

The primary way to profit from selling options is by collecting premiums. When you sell an option, the buyer pays you a premium, which is credited to your account. This premium is yours to keep, irrespective of whether the option is exercised. Let’s delve into how this works:
  1. Premiums as a Safety Net: When you sell options, the premiums you collect can serve as a safety net, adding some cushion to your financial endeavors. Here's how:
    • Selling a Call Option: If you are selling a call option, you are agreeing to sell the underlying asset at a specified price within a set period. If you own the underlying asset and are willing to sell it at the strike price, the premium you collect can help cushion any potential decrease in the asset's market value. Essentially, it provides a buffer, securing you some earnings irrespective of the asset's market movements.
    • Selling a Put Option: Conversely, when you sell a put option, you are agreeing to potentially buy the underlying asset at a predetermined price. If you intend to buy the asset at the strike price, the premium you collect can offset a potential rise in the market price, acting as a safety cushion that mitigates the higher purchase price.

2. Utilizing Time Decay: Options lose value over time, a phenomenon known as "time decay." As an options seller, time decay works in your favor. The closer the option gets to its expiration date without being in the money, the more its value decreases, potentially allowing you to buy it back at a lower price than what you sold it for, pocketing the difference.

Understanding and managing the risks

While selling options can be profitable, it is not without risks. Here, we outline some of the risks involved and how you might manage them:
  1. Potential for Large Losses: Selling options can potentially lead to substantial losses, especially if the market moves sharply against your position. It is essential to be aware of the potential losses and to manage your risk appropriately.
  2. Margin Requirements: When you sell options, you are required to maintain a margin account. This means that you need to have a certain amount of capital in your account as a security. Being aware of the margin requirements is vital to manage your risk effectively.
  3. Early Assignment Risk: There is always a risk of early assignment when selling options. Early assignment happens when the buyer of the option chooses to exercise their right to buy or sell the underlying asset before expiration. This risk can be managed by keeping an eye on the intrinsic value of the option and being prepared to take action if necessary.

Strategies to mitigate risks

While the risks are present, there are strategies that you can employ to mitigate them:
  1. Setting Stop Losses: One strategy is to set stop losses to limit potential losses. A stop loss is an order placed to buy or sell once the stock reaches a certain price.
  2. Spreading: Another strategy is to use spreads to limit potential losses. In a spread, you sell one option while simultaneously buying another, helping to cap both the potential profits and losses. Spreads is what is called a "options strategy", which we will cover in future "From zero to hero"-articles.
  3. Hedging: Though we are keeping it simple in this guide, know that there are advanced strategies like hedging that can further help in managing risks, which you might explore as you become more comfortable with options trading.

Crafting a strategy and identifying opportunities


Analyzing Market Conditions

To identify lucrative opportunities for selling options, it's crucial to have an understanding of the broader market landscape and the specific conditions surrounding the assets you're interested in. Here are some aspects to consider:
  1. Volatility: Understanding the volatility of a stock can help in determining the potential premium you might receive from selling an option. Typically, higher volatility leads to higher premiums.
  2. Economic Indicators: Keeping an eye on economic indicators and news can provide insights into the potential movements of the stock market, helping you to make informed decisions.
  3. Company Performance: Before selling options on a company’s stock, consider the company’s performance, financial stability, and future prospects.

Developing a Strategy

Once you have a grasp of the market conditions, the next step is to develop a strategy that suits your financial goals and risk tolerance. Here are some strategies commonly employed by options sellers:
  1. Covered Calls: If you own shares of a stock, you might consider selling call options on that stock to generate additional income. This strategy is known as writing covered calls.
  2. Cash-Secured Puts: Another strategy is selling put options while having the necessary cash to purchase the underlying stock if it gets assigned. This strategy, known as cash-secured puts, allows you to potentially buy the stock at a lower price while earning a premium.
  3. Naked Options: For the more adventurous investor, there's the strategy of selling naked options. This involves selling options without owning the underlying asset, a strategy that comes with higher risk but also higher potential rewards.

Tools and Resources

As you embark on your journey into the world of selling options, having the right tools and resources at your disposal can be a game-changer. Here are a couple of suggestions:
  1. Trading Platform: SaxoInvestor and SaxoTraderGo are excellent platforms to start your options-journey. SaxoTrader Pro is our top of the line platform for advanced trading and research.
  2. Educational Resources: Continuously educating yourself through reliable resources aids in making informed decisions. Plenty of high quality content can easily be found via search engines, Youtube and others.


Venturing into the world of selling options can feel like discovering a secret garden in the financial landscape. It's a space where you can find new ways to grow your savings and secure a little extra for the future.
Imagine having a toolkit where you not only benefit when stock prices go up but have strategies to pocket gains even when the markets are not on your side. Selling options offers this toolkit, allowing you to play a different game where the moves are more in your control.
With selling options, there's a whole new world of possibilities, from earning through premiums to exploring strategies that can be beneficial in various market scenarios. It's all about understanding and making choices that align with your financial goals.
Dipping your toes into the realm of selling options can provide a unique perspective on managing and diversifying your investments.

Options are complex, high-risk products and require knowledge, investment experience and, in many applications, high risk acceptance. We recommend that before you invest in options, you inform yourself well about the operation and risks. In Saxo Bank's Terms of Use you will find more information on this in the Important Information Options, Futures, Margin and Deficit Procedure. You can also consult the Essential Information Document of the option you want to invest in on Saxo Bank's website.




■当社でのお取引にかかるリスクやコスト等については、 こちらも必ずご確認ください。

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